Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jingle Bell Run aka #100!!

Not the most auspicious start to the run because I had a little bit of a hangover this morning.  I went to Green St last night, every time I go there I seem to drink too much.  I had a little coffee and an apple with peanut butter, and got to the race start at 10:30, all ready to go.  And then realized that the race started at 11!  In the end it was probably a good thing that I got there early because I got to digest and people watch, so by the time it started I was feeling ok.

My unofficial time is 31 min 20 sec which is a 10 min, 6 sec mile.  I was hoping to get 10 min mile, but this course is pretty hilly, so I was happy with my results.  I did meet the one race goal I set for myself - there was a guy behind me dressed like Big Bird, full feathers and all, and so I set my goal as "not being passed by Big Bird," which I did manage to accomplish!  I did get passed by a Festivus Pole, but Festivus decorations are designed to be simple, so I was OK with that.

The race started out slow at the beginning because it was so crowded.  By the time I got to the 1K mark I realized I was going almost a 10 min mile, and wanted to try to keep it up.  I went a little slower on the uphill bits, and then when I got to the last downhill at about 2.8 miles, I sprinted.  So, it wasn't exactly an even pace.

One hundred runs.  Go me! :)

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