Wednesday, December 18, 2013


It's pretty cold out again, and there's all this snow and ice.  I was actually thinking about maybe braving the outdoors anyhow, but by the time I left work it was dark and cold out.  So, I went to the gym.  Looks like some other company has purchased my little (cheap) Planet Fitness.  They had signs all over the place that I didn't notice the last time I was there.  Hope it doesn't mean the price will go up - right now it's $10 per month, which means that even if I don't go for months at a time I still don't feel guilty.

I got there and was all, I don't feel like this, but I have to...  I started really slow, and then by minute 5 I was up to kind of regular speed - 5.7 mph.  I kept increasing the speed little by little, so that at 10 minutes I was at 6 mph.  And I kept it there for 20 minutes!  It didn't wind up being that much further than usual, 2.92 miles in 30 min, 3.2 overall.  But, I was pretty psyched with me for keeping up a 10 min mile for 2 whole miles.  When I was done I lifted a couple weights and was like "this sucks," and left.

It's supposed to rain on Sunday.  I hope everything will work out ok for the race.  Big Run, #100!  (Yeah, might do some shopping, who am I kidding?  I was thinking today that some new sports bras might be a good running purchase. Don't want the girls at the knees, right?)

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