Thursday, December 5, 2013


I learned today that one disadvantage of the new car is that the back windows aren't tinted like the old car.  So, I might have flashed someone.  Oops.  Also poor planning, I just had a tshirt, no long sleeves, and it was like 45 degrees out.  I thought about going to the gym, or blowing it off, but I do want to try to make run #100 the race.  Even if I'm doing it by myself and probably wearing blue instead of Jingle Belly stuff.  It's the same route as the first race I did, so maybe I will be a little faster...

I ran on the Charles, and actually was fine in the tshirt.  It was really foggy out, and the river looked so amazing.  The water was totally still, and there was all this fog coming off it.  Someone had decked this sailboat in Christmas lights and put a plastic santa on it, and it looked a little like a haunted pirate ship.  And, for some reason there were two people in the park playing drums!  Guess their neighbors aren't music lovers.  It was pretty cool to be running through the fog with the drums and the ghost ship.  

I did 3.46 miles in about 36 minutes, so it was about a 10 min 40 sec mile, so not a fast run.  

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