Sunday, June 30, 2013

40 minutes

I wanted to try to run 45 min with a 5 minute cool down, but even though I was only running 10.30 minute mile for most of it I couldn't. I think partly because I went too soon after eating, and partly it was the humidity in the gym. Outside it's crazy humid - 83 percent according to wunderground, so even though it's only 84 outside it feels like 97.  Anyhow, I ran for 35 minutes, plus a 5 minute cool down.  It was a total of 3.25 miles in the 35 min, and almost three and a half in total. The last 7 minutes I had to slow it down gradually so I didn't puke. After I finished I was too tired to lift, so I just came home and took a bath. We'll have to see if I can do some at home lifting later.

The one exciting thing is that the Pioneer Inn sent me my shoes back, so I'm back to running in the originals. I'll need the new ones eventually, perhaps right after the Dirty Girls Run, so it's OK that I got them. Glad I got them back, they still have a ton of wear left, and even after I can't run in them any more, I can wear them for all kinds of other thing.

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