Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lame :P

I can't believe it's July 10 and this is my first run of the month. In my defense (I seem to defend myself a lot on this blog, which is kind of silly since my robo-readers don't care) I hurt my IT band at yoga and wanted to make sure it healed. Also, it's been 97 degrees out, plus humidity. And, I started my new job, which was really stressful.  It seems to be going OK, but I've got a lot to learn.  I think I'm really going to like it, though!

So, I ran this evening outside, even though its like 200% humidity. At least it's a little cooler than its been. I was soaking wet by the time I finished. I did my usual 5k in 34 min and 22 sec which is an 11 min and 5 sec mile, waaaay slower than I've been doing. It felt really great, prob because I was going so slow...

Saturday is the Dirty Girl. My friends and i are all wearing pink tutus :)

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