Monday, September 30, 2024

College Rock and a COVID Booster

Yesterday I went climbing outside at a new place! College Rocks is in Hopkinton - it was only about 45 minutes to get there, and you can see the crag from the parking lot! No idea why I've never gone before. It was a really fun day. I went with a few of my swim friends - one of the guys used to climb like 5 days a week, and was a guide for several years in CO, so he really knew his stuff. I went up to set up my rope with him when we got there, but after watching I was completely satisfied with his set up, and got to be lazy later when he moved the rope. 

We did six routes, though one of them wasn't really a route I don't think, just a chimney that looked fun to climb. They were all pretty easy peasy, except two of them that I wound up not being able to get up :) So those were hard. 

It was a nice day out, and it was so fun to just be outside, hanging out with some cool people, doing some climbing and watching some talented climbers. I've missed it. Hopefully this group will continue climbing together.

Today my arms were killing me! But, I still got my COVID and flu shots because I'd made the appointment and didn't want to ruin a weekend. I went to my swimming lesson and the arms were fine. I guess I'll see about side effects tomorrow.

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