Monday, April 10, 2023

First swim to the Point

It's spring for sure, time to get back into extended outdoor activities! Today I went swimming at lunch time and a group of four of us swam from the beach to the point. The water was 56 degrees, so still kind of chilly and I was glad to have my gloves. I forgot my goggles and my swim float (will have to put those in the swim bag now) but decided I wanted to go anyhow. I was able to borrow goggles, which sat on the top of my head because it was still a little cold to put my face in the water. So, I did breast stroke the whole way. According to google its .21 miles each way, so .42 miles in total. It took about 25 minutes. 

The swim race that I'm doing in the Charles in June is one mile and you have 40 minutes to finish the race or they pull you. So, I got some work to do to speed up my swimming. Doing crawl will certainly be faster, but practice is in order.

It felt so nice to do a real swim instead of a dip. The water as nippy, but felt really good once I got going.  

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