Sunday, October 17, 2021

Rock Circuit and Parkour

Today we did a really fun exercise in parkour - I keep thinking I need to write down the fun stuff so I can work on it after class - we did a lashee (which I don't know how to spell - it's French and means swing under something, or something like that). When I first started parkour I couldn't do them at all, but now my arms and core are stronger and I can do them a little better. There's one spot at the playground where you swing feet first through a rope net that I love doing. And then today coach showed us how to swing on one bar, over a slide-like thing, grab another bar and land. I have to get a video of that - it makes no sense to describe. But, I think it's something that if I work on, I could get better at. I also did a couple lazy vaults in my usual spot, and they were pretty good. On Wednesday I found a third place where I can do them :)

It was so nice out today that after class I went on a walk on the Rock Circuit Trail. I did my usual loop, only I did it backwards, which was equally nice. I think I like the part that I usually do at the start the best, so it was good to do it this way and have my favorite part at the end.

I took tomorrow off from work so I don't have to go to work, and because I wanted a few long weekends. I'm planning for a hike - I was going to do Welch-Dickey, but now I see I've already done it this year. I may do it again anyhow, but I'll have to do some planning. Hopefully more posts tomorrow.

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