Thursday, January 23, 2020

Play Steady class

I went back to bkbx for the first time since the foot surgery. Bad news is that my foot is not ready for climbing yet - not by a long shot. I put on my climbing shoe, and it was tight but OK. But then when I tried to put weight on my toe, it really hurt. I have to remind myself it's only been seven weeks since surgery. The blog that I've read says that 12 weeks ish seems to be the magic number, and it takes 6 mos to be 100%.  I climbed a couple of VB and V0's, and was happy to be back on the wall, but I don't think I'll be going to the climbing gym for a little bit.

The Play Steady class was so much fun, and really good exercise. We played quiddich, which involved holding a medicine ball and chasing people with the golden snitch around. We stood on sliding pads and pushed each other across the room. And we did that thing where you stand on one foot, each holding one end of a stick, and try to knock each other over. And, we did some break dancing kind of moves. Super fun!

There's a place near me that has Geriatric Parkour on Monday nights (50+). I might try it!

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