Sunday, January 19, 2020


Today was my first day skiing on new snow!  We had about 4 inches of snow last night, and it was so fun for skiing. Sadly, I wasn't the only one with the idea to go skiing, there were so many people on the mountain, it was pretty much full. I realized that I could hop on the lift with other people who waited in the (long) line, and so I rode up with a lot of people. Some I talked to, some I didn't, but I learned that there was a overflow parking about a mile away because there were so many people, and one woman who's been teaching skiing on the mountain for 6 years said she'd never seen it that busy. So, there's that.

But, despite the crowds and lines, I had a really good ski day!  I went down only green trails, and worked on going a little faster. I discovered that when I did go a little faster, I could do my turns with parallel skis better. Huh, who knew? So, I worked on that a lot.

I got up there and #1 realized that I forgot my helmet, so I had to rent one. Dope. And #2 realized that my toe might not bend into a ski boot. It did though. Skiing was totally fine. But it was soo hard to get the boot off! I still have a little healing to do.

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