Sunday, November 17, 2019


I think V1 is my match level bouldering climb and V2 would be a reach. I went about 45 minutes early for climbing today so I could boulder - I was actually really looking forward to bouldering, which is kind of cool and definitely new. Anyhow, I stared with a VB which I guess is a beginner? The B's are pretty much like ladders, you just saunter up. I did a warm up with one, and it's kind of cool because I didn't feel scared at all doing it!  Then, I did a V1 and I flashed it the first try, using my technique with hands and feet.  Although I got up it clean, I did it 3 more times until I felt like I got up really well, with ninja feet. There was another V1 that I tried that was overhung, which I tried several times, but freaked out each time as I got a little high. So, that's a project I guess.

During regular climbing I practiced having two feet on the wall, shifting my weight, and then moving my hand. I also practiced keeping my top arm straight. It was hard. Really hard! Especially as I got to the higher levels. I was proud of myself because I did one climb that was overhung and scary high. And, I did a 5.9 and went back to it a second time to project on it. 

My climbing is definitely much worse than it was before, but I am optimistic that it's going to improve and really become a lot better!

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