Monday, October 21, 2019

BKBX Redux

I decided to go back to BKBX again already, even though my legs are still a little sore from all the squats in the last class. I have plans for the next two evenings, and my class pass month is ending and I had 8 points left. Which was perfect for one more class.

It turns out that they run the same class a few days in a row, or Thursday/Monday at least (different from Crossfit for sure). It was not bad to do the same workout again, though, because this time I think I did it better and that I will be less sore (though no promises). I was also partnered with a class mate who wasn't as hard core as the Thursday people, so I did fewer reps. And, I remembered some of my crossfit skills for sure.  I'm definitely going to keep doing this!

I've also planned a vacation to Thailand and Myanmar!  I'm super excited about it!  I'll be going sailing around the islands of Myanmar on a yacht. Which will hopefully be fun given that:
1. I could get seasick
2. The bedrooms are very small and may make me claustrophobic
3. I don't know how to sail

What could go wrong?

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