Monday, March 4, 2019

Didn't put the weights down!

Today was our first snow storm of the year, ish.  It was really only like 6 inches.  Pretty wimpy.  But, due to the timing there was no way for me to get out of the parking lot and to work - even though they opened at 10:30.  The plow didn't even come until like 9:30!  So, I worked from home, which is always nice.  Ha!  My former crazy boss would never have allowed that - I'm so lucky that I got another non-crazy boss.

After work I was feeling lazy and was thinking of just sitting on the couch and watching Everest (I'm on a big Everest kick after reading into thin air, which was really good), but I got my lazy butt off the couch and to yoga.  I'm digging the new yoga studio, O2, they do really long sequences where you do one side for like 30 minutes and then the other side for 30 minutes.  It felt good :)

Last week I went to a barre class and I was actually able to hold the stupid weights up for the entire arm series!  2 pound weights, but whatever, I was psyched!  I did all of the exercises except one that was just really hard for me - it was basically warrior 3, which for some reason I can't do.  Anyhow, I think the working out is helping because I climbed at metro and finally got up a 10b clean again!

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