Saturday, April 7, 2018


Forgot to blog on Thursday, now it's Saturday. Lame. I only went to crossfit once this week. I was still sore from the hike on Monday, was very busy feeling sorry for myself Tuesday, Wednesday was full of burpees and I really didn't want to, and Friday I went hippy dancing (more on that later). So, only once this week - I was going to go on Friday, but decided that hippy dancing was an allowed alternative.

Thursday started with push presses, 5 rounds of 2. I got up to 75 pounds, which I did 8 times. That's heavy!

40 calorie ski erg
30 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
40 calorie row
30 kettle bell swings
my time around 15 min 20 sec

I just got off the phone with my dissertation advisor, and I'm going to start working on my IRB paperwork!  Yay!  She approved my lit review, and made some recommendations for edits on the rest of it, but I could work on the edits as I wait for the IRB approval.  Hopefully I will submit it in a couple of weeks. That's my goal.

I bought a skateboard because, well, not really sure why, but I did.  I took it outside for the first time today and totally wiped out. Ouch!  I'm icing my knees now. Why do I do this??

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