Monday, April 16, 2018

Marathon Day

Marathon Monday today, but it rained and was miserable out all day.  I watched a little of it, but tried to work on my resume and cover letter. I can't believe I'm hear again.  Letter is just started, needs lots of work.

I did want to get to crossfit today - tomorrow I'm going climbing, Wed to pub quiz, Thursday there's a workshop on salary negotiation that I really want to go to, so that leaves the weekend. For the last two weeks I've only gone once, which is lame. So, I had to go.  Which was rough, because there were a lot of burpees.

WOD: 4 rounds:
4 squat clean and jerks (I lifted 55 pounds)
10 pull ups (I used bands)
13 burpee lateral jumps
after 4 rounds are complete row 1000 meters
my time 24 minutes 20 sec

It was supposed to be a 800 meter run, but it was so nasty outside, I'm not sure anyone went out to run.

All those damn burpees were killer, I really thought I might puke at the end of the 4th round. It took me 6 minutes to row because I was so nauseous.  I was going to cut down the burpees, but then I was all, if you're going to hike the AT one day, you can't be taking it easy.  So, there's that.

I emailed my boss today and told him that I was applying for the director position and that I "appreciate your support and guidance through the hiring process."  That was the second time today that I almost vomited. But, as a friend of mine pointed out, that's what I would say to him if I was the director.  Now, I just have to write the damn letter.  Yuck.

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