Friday, April 20, 2018

Rope Climbing (not)

Once again I didn't climb the stupid rope.  I did however go to crossfit twice this week, which is what I wanted to do. So, check.  It was a lot of rowing, and deadlifts. Plus rope climbing, which I eventually just skipped, because I felt like it.

We started with push press, 5 sets of 2. I got up to 75 pounds, which I was happy with!

WOD: Dork AMRAP 20.14
33 calorie row
15 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
5 rope climbs (wiffed it)
I rowed like 4 times and lifted 3.

Work has just been all around yucky.  I'm not applying for the director position after all - after I emailed my current boss earlier this week he put me on the hiring committee. And then emailed back to say "oops, my bad." That's just mean. They aren't going to offer me the job, no matter how hard I try to prove myself.  As I tell my students, sometimes when you are hitting your head against a wall, it's just good sense to stop.

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