Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A day late + a few days late

I've been a bad blogger once again.  But, last weekend, on Saturday I did go for my favorite walk in the Fells, to the overlook rock.  It's finally spring, and it was so nice to go for a walk in just jeans and a sweat shirt! I did spend some time with my dark thoughts, but I guess I have to get them out. I think they're dying down a little. On the bright side, I decided that since I will no longer be killing myself over work, it will be fine to join the Canoe and Kayak place again - especially because they've opened a new location on the Mystic River that I can practically walk to!  So, I decided that's my tax refund, the canoe and kayak for the summer + the conference I went to.  I can't wait to get back out on the river!

I also went to crossfit on Monday. I had a pretty crappy day (again) and was feeling a little blue. It didn't help that when I got there it was a huge class, and we were doing back squats, so I had to share a platform with tiny people who were lifting way more then me. And my quads are still killing me!  I did squat 83 pounds 20 times, which I feel is pretty hard core.

For the WOD, I wasn't feeling it. There was running and I was a little tempted to just run to my car, get in, and drive off. But I didn't. So I gave myself credit for what I did.

WOD: 2 rounds
400 meter run
15 overhead squats (I lifted 35 pounds)
I don't remember my time, but I do remember it was killer!

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