Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sort of RX!

I'm pretty psyched because it's Sunday and I've already done crossfit once this week! Today's WOD didn't look so bad, lots of rowing, which I like. And I only went once last week, which is lame.  I got there a couple minutes late, so I missed a tiny bit of the warm up, but there was still enough time to torture myself with planks and hollow rocks.

For strength we did thrusters in sets of 3. I got up to 60 pounds, which I was satisfied with. Especially after the hike yesterday, which was killer on the calves.

750 meters rowing

3 rounds:
15 toes to bar
30 sit ups

750 meters rowing
my time 15 min 56 sec

Level 1 was 500 meters of rowing, which I thought I would do if I was last by a long shot. But when I got to 500 meters there were still plenty of people on the rowers, so I did the full thing!  Of course, my toes didn't touch the bar, so it's not technically like I did the full, unscaled workout. But, whatever.

On Friday night I checked my work email (because apparently I have no life) and my boss emailed me and this woman who had been doing some consulting for us to say that we wouldn't be able to pay her anymore. First, WTF, you're going to email that to someone? That seems a little cold. And second, WTF, we aren't going to have someone new in the fall! We don't even have a job description posted yet. So, I guess I will be doing all the things that this woman who was consulting did last year. My boss is totally awesome and I think the world of her, but she sucks at transition.

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