Thursday, September 14, 2017

Slightly less painful day at crossfit

Today at Crossfit I went to my regular class time. Let's call it "Dean Stalking Class," which is to say the time when my admissions buddy works out. He was there, but late, so took the next class. Which is a bummer, but on the other hand we ran, so he didn't need to be reminded of how slow I am. Today was slightly less painful than the last two workouts, though still grim.

We started with back squats and I got up to 115 pounds, for a set of two. I felt OK about that, though the women I was lifting with were lifting like 180.  Then there were two WODS:

8 minute AMRAP:
10 shoulders to overhead (I lifted 35 pounds)
200 meter run
I did 4 sets

rest 4 minutes

8 minute AMRAP:
10 overhead squats (I lifted 35 pounds)
50 jumps/jump rope
I did 4 sets + 5 squats

Today in the Biology faculty meeting they announced that my boss is taking on her new role, and leaving my office. So now it's officially OUT THERE. She sent in a job description to the Vice Provost to have posted. They have to interview me for the position (if they decide to). I might have to buy new clothes. Maybe I can find something for an interview and my nephew's wedding in Nov?

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