Wednesday, August 16, 2017

To Lake Natron

This was probably my favorite day of biking, at least in retrospect. I biked 51 km (32.6 miles) on bumpy dirt roads. A lot of the ride was down hill and I could just focus on the road and go. Bombing on down into the Great Rift Valley, with acacia trees on either side, the clouds so low you feel like you could touch them, and no one around for miles was truly awesome! There were a few times when I couldn't really feel my hands and feet, they were pins and needles from the bumpy road. And there were definitely times when I was scared I would fall and really hurt myself, which added to the adventure.

We stopped riding at this really nice tree, where we sat and had lunch. It gets really hot there in the afternoon, not surprisingly, and once I stopped biking I realized how hot, filthy and hungry I was. After lunch we had an unpleasant surprise when we found out that our campground was about 80 km away and it would take us about 4 hours to get there!  This is when we learned about the "African massage" which is how our trip leader described driving over bumpy roads on the bus. It was pretty bad. I felt sick at first and worried that I would get a migraine because I was hot and exhausted. I spent a lot of time distracting myself by taking pictures:

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