Friday, October 30, 2015


I decided to try a paleo diet challenge and see if that makes any difference in my weight.  If not, I have no idea what to do except give up and shop in the fat store. It sucks. I paid for this program called Paleo Challenge that gives you menus and a shopping list for a month. Probably stupid, and I felt silly walking around Trader Joes with the list.  But, WTF?  I sort of started this evening, but I had granola in my yogurt, so not totally.  I love granola.

Crossfit tonight wasn't totally killer.  We started with deadlifts, and I lifted 140 pounds!  But, just once. I lifted 135 once, and 130 once. Well, I was impressed with me, though my technique still needs work.  

The WOD was 30 sec work, 30 sec rest, complete 4 rounds, then rotate:
1. Shoulder to overhead lift
2. Kettlebell lunges
3. Sit-ups
4. Airdyne bike

Not a single burpee or pull-up, which made me happy.  I couldn't do everything super-well, but I can at least do everything.  I did:
1. 40 shoulder to overhead lifts, lifting 45 pounds
2. 45 kettlebell lunges with the smallest kettle bell in the place
3. 64 sit-ups.
4. A complete unknown on the air dyne because I couldn't figure out how to get the thing to track correctly.  At the end you are supposed to add up all your points.  I have 149x.  Everyone who posted things was around 200 +/-.  Which is maybe where I was, but I lifted less and lunged with less.

I was going to lift with 15 pound weights on my barbell instead of 10's, but then I wimped out.  I prob shouldn't have, I could have lifted them.

I realize that this is post #200!  They aren't all running, there are some stadiums and some crossfit, but still I'm happy with it. Without even realizing this momentous occasion was arriving today I was at Lululemon and bought some cute capris on super-sale!  Fate.  (Plus I felt good about it because Lulu had a warehouse sale where people waited in line for like 3 hrs to shop, and this deal was just as good. No waiting.)

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