Thursday, October 15, 2015

I'm baaaaack!

Such a bad runner!  I've been so busy with hiking, crossfit, and my trip to Peru that I haven't been running at all.  Today I didn't have anything I needed to do after work, and I just decided, I'm gonna do it!  Go for a run.  But, I did a short one because my body isn't really in the habit.  I was going to go to the Charles at the free parking spot, but it's Head of the Charles this weekend, so there was no parking allowed at the free parking, so I went to Fresh Pond. I decided to try to do 2 miles, but then my IT band was killing me, so I settled for 20 minutes (and 39 seconds.)  It was a slow run, I went 1.79 miles, which is like an 11 min 43 sec mile, which is slow even for me.  But, whatever, I'm out of practice.  Aerobically it was fine, but I guess that's because I was going so slow.

Peru was amazing, but my brother and I got really bad altitude sickness and couldn't finish the Inca Trail, we had to turn back.  So we took the train and the bus.  After all that hiking in prep.  Waa! Machu Picchu was amazing, it was so nice there.  I loved the jungle.  Lots of hiking and awesome animals.  I'm horrible at Crossfit, I mean, sometimes people finish the WOD and I'm only like 3/4 of the way done.  I'm pretty much always last.  I think I'm getting better, though I could be wrong.  It keeps my ego in check, because otherwise my ego is so HUGE. I bought an inflatable SUP, so now I can go paddle boarding someplace other than the same section of the Charles.  I took it out for the first time on Monday (Columbus Day).  I went to the same place in the Charles, of course.  Hmmm.

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