Friday, July 10, 2015

Real Run but Super Slowly

I was going to go to Cross Fit this afternoon, I almost made it there, but traffic was awful and I was late, so I decided I would go for a real run instead - it had been way too long!  Only little snag, it's hot and humid out, that's always bad for me.  I ran by the Mystic River, nice running spot.  I thought I was in one place, but I always get twisted around and confused by that river!  Anyhow, it didn't matter, I knew where my car was.  I wound up going 2.5 miles in pretty much exactly 30 minutes, which is really super slow, a 12 minute mile.  Which is where I'm throwing in the humidity excuse.  I was HOT.  When I got home, 10 minutes after finishing and sitting in my car with AC, my face was still bright red.  So, it's good I didn't push it much harder.

Only 4 more runs until my 200 runaversary!  That's huge.  I wonder what I will get myself??

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