Friday, May 29, 2015

Davis Square Run

Today I worked from my Friday office, also known as Diesel Cafe. I love summer Fridays!  After work I decided that I would go for a run on the bike path to Alewife, then around to the Cemetery on Broadway, and back down College Ave.  Of course I took a wrong turn and wound up in Arlington, but in the end it was still about the same distance as I was planning, 3.6 miles, which I did in 38 min and 32 sec, for a 10 min 38 sec mile.  There was a certain amount of hill, so I felt OK about my pace.

Only 4 runs this month is a little lame.  But I did do another big hike last weekend, 10.3 miles, with 2700 feet of elevation gain.  No black flies, which made it way more pleasant.  The one thing that wasn't so nice is that there were 4, that's right, FOUR false peaks.  Which is just mean.  The hike was by Diana's Baths in North Conway, the North Moat Hike.  After I stayed at my friends Greta and Eric's, and then Sunday we went climbing.  We did this 3.5 pitch climb in Whitehorse called Hotter than Hell.  It was 5.7-5.9, but there was a huge crack at the top.  An easy crack, but waaaay the fuck up, when I was totally terrified.  And I don't climb crack.  Only, now I do because I really wanted to get off that cliff :)  I was so scared.  Meh.

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