Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wardrobe Malfunction Take 2

Repeat of the last run!  Same damn pants falling down in the same way for the same amount of time.  I have to confess it was pretty much the same outfit as I was wearing the last time, not washed.  So you would think it could stand up on its own a little better.  Meh.

I did the same route, not sure about the time because I forgot my cool new watch.  When I left the car it was 5:55 and when I finished running it was 6:36.  I did use the port-a-potty before I started, and I had to stop at two lights (which of course I enjoyed very much).  It didn't feel like a particularly fast run, especially because so many people passed me.  I'm guessing I was running about a 10 and a half minute mile.

At one point I noticed that there was this tourist boat on the river, the Henry Longfellow, that I was keeping pace with!  I was pretty surprised, kept looking over to see if it was still there, and I was going just as fast.  Then I guess whoever was driving it remembered that they had an engine, and they took off and ditched me.  But it was fun for a couple minutes.

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