Sunday, June 8, 2014

Indian Food + Running = No

Adding running near the time of eating Indian food to the list of things that I should never ever ever do again.  I had dinner early, around 5 ish, because my nephew was in town and had to catch a plane back to Maryland.  So, I thought that by 8:30 ish I would be good to run.  Major fail.

I tried to run my little 5K at home.  Right around Somerville Hospital I started thinking about the irony, and decided it would be better to cut things short.  So, I cut the top of Spring Hill out, and went down Central Street and home.  It was still 2.15 miles in 23 min and 53 sec.  So, I guess it still counts as a run.

One week from tomorrow I head out to Yosemite!  No running in Yosemite, that's for sure, but there will be tons of hiking and we hired a guide to climb for a day. I'm pretty psyched about it.

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