Wednesday, August 7, 2013

At Least My Car Didn't Get Towed...

Run today was fine, not amazing speed, not amazing feeling, but fine.  I went my usual 5K in 33 min and 24 sec, which is about a 10 min 45 sec mile.  I was making all sorts of excuses not to run, I hurt my wrist climbing, I'm tired, I haven't sat on my couch and watched enough TV, I just ate.  But really it was so nice out and I'd been inside all day.  It was a beautiful sunset and so I forced myself to just do it.  I had eaten a salad recently before (don't worry, all this running and salad eating isn't making me loose weight!  Heaven forbid.) so I was a little burpy for the run.  And I did hurt my wrist kayaking/climbing.

Anyhow, as I was running up Highland Ave I saw this woman arguing with a tow truck driver, and he clearly wasn't about to unhook her car.  So my run > her evening.

I just realized that my next run will be #75!  Wow!

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