Thursday, August 15, 2013


I totally forgot it was #75 until just now!  Anyhow, I didn't run this weekend because I went on this totally awesome hike.  We climbed Mt Osceloa in NH - it's a 4000 footer (though I believe the trailhead is at about foot #2000, but details...)  This weekend was the Persiod Meteor Showers, so we slept under the stars and woke up at 3 am to watch the meteors.  So cool!  It was freezing up there, but I was snug as a bug in my sleeping bag.  The only thing was I only had my nose and eyes poking out, and I didn't want to walk to a better viewing spot, so I didn't see as many meteors as I could have.

Anyway, today I decided that since it's been so long since I ran that I should do a longer run.  I went to the Charles River after work and ran from the Eliot Bridge to Becon St and back.  It's about 4.2 miles!  I forgot my watch, so I'm not sure how long it took - I texted a friend from the parking lot at work when I left and drove to the river.  When I finished my run it was 67 minutes later.  I'm guessing it was about 45 minutes.  I walked to get some water after I ran.  It wasn't super fast, that's for sure, but only two people passed me, and there were a lot of people out running (OK, I think people were mostly running counter clockwise, and I ran clockwise.)

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