Thursday, August 22, 2013

99% humidity!

How can it not be raining?  It's like 85 out, or was when I went for a run, and really humid.  It was slow going - I did my usual 5K, and really wanted to take a short cut, but then I told myself that if I did the whole thing I could walk up the hill on my street.  Which I did.  Total run time was 33 min 47 sec, but I had to wait at two lights for a while, probably 30 sec total.  I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty psyched to see those lights turn red!

Over the weekend I went climbing at Rose Ledge, which was pretty nice.  Lots of crack climbing, and a huge bruise on my elbow from where I shoved my entire arm in the crack.  The walk from where we parked to the cliff was about 30 min up hill with a 30 pound pack.  So, though I didn't run this past weekend, I feel I exercised.  (The walk out was about 15 min, super easy.)

Yesterday I did Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga.  It was in the Swampscott Harbor.  It was so nice!  You could see the Boston skyline and the waves were relaxing.  The sun set during class, and the water looked all pink and rose, and then a full moon came up!  Amazing!!  Of course I was the only one in the class to fall in.  Figures.  Warrior 1.  Meh.

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