Saturday, April 6, 2013

Run #50

I've run 50 times! To celebrate I got myself a shiny new iPod Shuffle. It's only $50, it's teal, and it's so light, better to run with than my touch. It just clips right onto my pants, and I don't need to worry about dropping it. I just downloaded my running music.

It's a beautiful spring day today, so I decided to go to the Charles for a run. I found a good parking spot, so I didn't have to run far to get to the river, so my total run distance was 3.28 miles, which I did in 34 minutes exactly. That's pretty much my usual pace. It was kind of windy out, which was a bummer for much of the run, but crossing the Mass Ave bridge the wind was at my back, which was just as good as running downhill. The sailboats were flying!

Big news is I actually passed someone! OK, like 10 people passed me, but I passed someone else. I think it was a first (except for during the race, of course.)

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