Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon Day today. Man, those folks can run! The women were running a 5.41 minute mile. That's almost twice as fast as I run, and they do it for 26 miles. It motivated me to extend my loop just a little, and go to Willow, the next cross street. That's 3.38 miles. I did it in 35 minutes, and who knows how many seconds because I just used my pedometer that doesn't count seconds. I got some cramps at about 22 minutes, and my right knee and hip were pretty sore. I really wanted to walk at the end, but I didn't. I esp wanted to walk up Sycamore St, and even gave myself permission to, but in the end I ran. Very slowly, but running.

I officially started back on Weight Watchers today. I put all the weight that I lost back on, and I'm really annoyed with myself :P

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