Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Upper Body and Core Exercises

I feel like now that I have these PT exercises that I do every day, I can add some upper body and core exercises on days that I don't do other exercise and have a mini-workout. I did some research on exercises for women, and here's what I decided for my program:

Upper Body: work to 3 sets of 10

Dumbell Curls: targets biceps. 

Overhead Shoulder Press: delts, triceps, core. Arms at 90 degrees, by head, lift to overhead.

Dumbell Front Raise: Anderior deltoids. lift from in front of legs to slightly above horizontal.

Lateral Raise: delts. Arms from in front of the waist out to the side at shoulder height.

Bent Over Dumbell Row: back, bicep, tricep, shoulder. Bend forward, arms hang down to knees, bring up to ribcage. 

Bent Over Tricep Kickback: triceps. Bend forward, arms by side, bring back until arms are parallel to floor.

Chest Press: chest, shoulders, triceps Lie on floor, elbows to the side to 90 degrees, then straight up.

Incline Pushups: pecs. 


Inchworm to plank: hold plank for 15 seconds, 10 sets

Sit ups, Hip lifts, Bicycles: rounds of 10, work to 5 sets

I just went through the routine and learned that #1 I really need to do this because I am in very bad shape, for the shape I'm in and #2 it takes about 20 minutes to do the full PT leg routine and then today it took me 20 minutes to do arms and core, but I did one set on arms, all the inchworms to plank (though I just counted to 15, and my counting got faster in the later reps) and 2 sets on the sit up, hip lift, bicycle torture thing. Maybe it's an hour in total to do the entire thing? And it will take me a while to work up to it! I'm going to shoot for doing arms and core 2x a week, and see if I start feeling stronger!

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