I've actually been doing really well with the arm and core exercises. I decided that on days that I don't do anything else for exercise, or that I feel like it, I will add either arm or core to my leg PT exercises (the idea is to alternate which I do - today I did arms, yesterday core). I did yoga yesterday and I could really feel that I was stronger in my legs, so I'm excited to feel that way about the rest of my body. The only thing is that I don't like the core exercises that I chose at all! I do the arm ones without any hesitation, but when it's core day, I'm like "yuck, do I have to?" So, here's core exercises, take 2, shamelessly stolen from self magazine.
1. Low plank for a minute. Can take a rest if necessary, but do a full minute even if it's 2 - 30 second planks (but work to a minute).
Then, work to three sets of 10:
2. Butterfly sit-up.
3. Dead bug. Lie on back in upside down tabletop. Bring left arm overhead and right leg straight to floor then back up. Switch sides.
4. High boat to low boat. These are hard, do 5.
5. Leg raise. Lie on back. Lift both legs together to 90 degrees, lower slowly to the floor.
6. Half kneeling wood chop. Kneel on one leg with the other in front, knee at 90-degree angle. Hold a dumbell in both hands by the knee that's on the floor. Bring the weight diagonally up to the ceiling on the opposite side of the body, twisting abs - hips don't move, then bring weight back down. Repeat on other side.
7. Hollow rock, 10 seconds.
Two of my three siblings have gotten their COVID shots, and my brother just made his appointment - he's getting his at Heathrow airport, which is kind of weird. I want one too! It looks like it will be another month before I'm eligible. But, I'm glad that they are protected at least.
It's supposed to get up to 70 over the next two days! I'm so excited that spring is coming. This coming weekend we spring forward - It will be nice to get out and do a little more.
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