Friday, September 29, 2017


After going to crossfit and doing a hike over the weekend, I've been a total bum all week. The only exercise I did was last night I went for a walk around the block to get my steps. Turns out our mayor is canvassing because of the upcoming election, so I got to meet him in person. I was like "oh yes, I'm voting for you!" and he was like "great, then I won't keep you" which I think = "great, then I won't waste my time talking to you."  Haha, whatever. I like him. He's fiery!

I put my second crossfit off until today - I was going to go yesterday but there was so much running.  Today was all tabata and lifting, much better. We started with clean and jerks, every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. You did 2 cleans and one jerk, and I got up to 75 pounds! I was happy with myself!

WOD: on for 40 sec, rest for 20 sec; four rounds at each station and then rotate
Toes to bar - I started with t2b and then switched to sit ups, my total 63
kettle bell swings - I used the smallest and did 60
arydyne bike - 20 calories though I had technical difficulties with the timer at first
shoulders to overhead - I lifted 35 pounds 50 times

One of my neighbors got a puppy, he's so cute!  I want a puppy, but I don't think the cats would like it.

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