Wednesday, September 20, 2017


I guess I'm back in the routine of crossfit again. Which is to say I was going to go yesterday and then didn't, so I went today. I had thoughts of not going today also, but I'm planning on going hiking on Saturday, so that didn't leave me with a lot of options.

We had a lot of wall balls in the WOD today, and started by warming up with medicine ball drills. They were kind of fun actually. We played catch and I didn't drop the thing!  Next was front squats for our strength. I tried to skulk off to my own spot to lift, but someone came over and asked to join me, so of course I had to be all happy about it. I asked her if she was going to lift a lot and she was all "no, not a lot..." Turns out her goal weight was 150!  Um, clearly we define "no, not a lot..." differently.

Front Squats 5-4-3-2-1
I started my round of 5 by lifting 65 pounds, which was fine. I went up to 85 for 4 squats, then 90 for three. For two I did 95 and for my round of one I did 100!  I did the 100 twice because I wasn't totally happy with what I had done the first time. I wasn't completely happy with the second lift either. But 95 I did well.

in 5 minutes
20 toes to bar (I scaled from 30)
20 wall balls
row - I did 20 calories
rest 2 minutes

in 5 minutes
30 wall balls
20 cal row
toes to bar - I did 5, but there was an interference because the bar in the spot that I got was wet and I was sliding off more than usual.
rest 2 minutes

in 5 minutes
30 cal row
15 toes to bar (I scaled from 20)
wall balls - I did 11

I think my abs and squat muscles are going to be killing me tomorrow!

Today I found out that I am going to be offered a position as Interim Director, and we are hiring someone to work below me!!  I'm a little excited, and a little wanting to throw up (literally on that one, I woke up in the middle of the night last night and couldn't breath because I had stomach acid in my throat. Yuck.) The best thing about this is that we are hiring someone who will do the administrative crap that I hate so much. And, I may not need to interview for the director position if they decide they want me in the role. It's kind of stressful not knowing what's going on, and it's been stressful because my boss has kind of checked out so I've gotten more work to do (and I already was feeling a little overwhelmed.)

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