Saturday, July 1, 2017

Lumberjack in a Boat

My IT band has been killing me lately, at least I think that's what it is, so I had an excuse to row today instead of running. Any time I have an excuse on that I'll take it, even if it means a little IT pain. Today was a benchmark WOD which I'd done before, the same day last year. It's named after a group of soldiers who were killed in Ft. Hood. Must have happened July 1. Sad. I was slower this year than last. But, in my defense, it's like 90 degrees and humid out. It's a good thing I didn't look before going or I probably would have stayed at home!

We started with a quick warm-up where I did run:
100 meter run
overhead squats
100 meter run
kettlebell swings
100 meter run
box jumps (I stepped)
100 meter run
kipping swings

20 Deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)(I accidentally did 22)
400 meter row
20 kettle bell swings (I used the smallest)
400 meter row
20 overhead squats (I lifted 35 pounds)
400 meter row
20 burpees (I did 18 to make up for the extra 2 deadlifts)
400 meter row
20 pull ups (I used bands and the last 3 were really lame)
400 meter row
20 box jumps (I jumped for 10 and stepped for 10)
400 meter row
20 squat cleans (I lifted 35 pounds)
400 meter row
my time: 36:15

With the heat and all, it was so so hard!  I was sweating like a pig at the end, I'm pretty sure I was last to finish and I had to rest before I could put away all my equipment. The last set of rowing in particular I was like "this is a cool down."

It's a long weekend for July 4! I'm taking Monday off and am going to NH for Sunday and Monday. My plan is to hike Mt. Hale on Sunday and two 4000 footers on Monday, TBD. Hale is like the easiest, but it's a 2.5 hr drive to get to, and has no view from the top. It will add about 50 min of driving to go up that way, but I think it will be worth it, I've been trying to figure out when I will do it because it's not really worth a drive on its own, but it's big enough that just adding it to another hike seems daunting to me. It's a 4.4 mile total, in and back hike.  I'm thinking maybe the Wildcats for Monday.

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