Sunday, July 16, 2017

75 pound push jerks!

It's Sunday and I've already done one crossfit! It was a pretty easy looking one today, plus I'm going climbing on Wednesday, plus it's my birthday next weekend and I don't think I will want to go to crossfit then, so it was a good idea to go.  I got there a couple minutes late because I had to stop for gas, and when I arrived there was an endurance class, or the class before me or something running and doing burpees, and I went up to the coach and was all "is there a 10:00 class?"  Ya, that was it. So, I wound up running 200 meters and doing 10 burpees, but it could have been much worse if I was on time and had a clue.

We did push jerks to start. I have to confess that my push jerks are pretty similar to my push presses from earlier in the week, so I was happy to get up to 75 pounds for 4 rounds of 3. The first round I did 65 pounds.

WOD: 6 rounds
5 clean and jerk (I lifted 55 pounds)
10 toes to bar (I did knees in the general direction of chest)
my time: 10 min

I'm still so stressed about work. I keep reminding myself that all this change at work is a growth experience, and that there could be good things that come of it. We could get more staff, there could be a little more variety in what we do, I might not have to say the same exact thing over and over 500 times to freshmen. But I'm so happy with what I have going, and that's so rare. I should be pleased that I've had that for 4 years, and I am, I knew it probably would last forever. I just didn't realize that it would all come to a head the week of my 50th birthday (also a kind of stressful event.) Will work on healthy eating and yoga and being social.

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