Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tabata Mash

Finally I was in a group with people doing NY resolutions at Crossfit! Hooray!! They were dying and I was doing sit ups. Sadly, it was a Tabata sort of deal where everyone goes and stops at the same time, so there was no "last." And I was feeling too tired to really feel smug.

We started with front squats and I did 90 pounds!! Twice. With a break in between. My 90's were wobbly and not that low, but I did one at 85 pounds that felt really solid. I think that's 15 pounds more than the last time I really remember doing front squats. Of course the guys were doing 200 pounds or something.

The Tabata workout was four different rounds, for each you had 8 reps and each rep was 20 sec on and 10 sec rest. So, each activity was 4 minutes, with a minute break in between. Then you moved on to the next. Your total score is the number of reps from your worst round of each.

Double Unders (I just jumped rope) - lowest was 30, which was my first one. Also the last. In between I did have some pretty good rounds where I stopped counting around 40 or so.
Front Squats - I lifted 35 pounds - lowest was 6. First round I did 8, then 7 then the rest were 6.
Sit ups - lowest was 10. I did 11 the first 4, 10 the second 4.
Kettle bell swings - I did 10 every time. With the smallest kettle bell.
Total Score: 56 average HR 136

My heart rate was highest during the squats and lowest during sit-ups. I don't know if that's how it should be? Seems like jumping rope is more aerobic.

I don't know how I feel about this Tabata stuff, or if I believe in it, but it was a pretty OK WOD.

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