Saturday, December 12, 2015

IT Band Fail

So after Wednesday's WOD my IT band was complaining. I was lazy yesterday and didn't go to Crossfit (largely due to excessive burpees, combined with the assault bike), and so I was committed to going today. Of course it was a partner workout with tons of running with a sandbag. Ugh. I was hoping for an odd number of people in the group, so I could row and not impact anyone else, but of course that didn't work out. So my partner ran by himself, and he carried a medicine ball because there weren't enough sand bags! That's hard core.  I rowed. Much better for the IT.

1070 run with sandbag
50 clean and jerks (I did 45 pounds for real)
800 run with sandbag
60 toes to bar
600 run with sandbag
70 wall balls
Each partner takes a turn with the weight lifting, toes to bar, and wall balls, so you actually only do half.  Our time was 30 min 20 sec. I think I did about 120 calories on the rower, though it's hard to know for sure because I forgot once I got off the thing...

I did about 30 clean and jerks, and by the end I was sort of getting them right I think. And I was definitely doing 45 pounds and it wasn't killer, unlike when I was doing 35 pounds and thought it was 45.

It was really nice out today, but it's still December. I'm such a blob this time of year. I can't wait for the days to get a little longer!

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