Monday, December 21, 2015

Deadlifted More Than My Weight!

I was pretty psyched today because we did deadlifts and I actually lifted more than my weight! Once. But still! We started pretty low because I can never remember what I lift, and then were working up, so for the first several rounds it was two lifts. The last few rounds were just one lift. I did 155 for one lift, then was like "I bet I can do another 10 pounds." It was super heavy for me, but I did it!

Box jumps (my legs still aren't healed from the last set of box jumps, I did step ups on a 20" box)
Kettle Bell Swings - I used the second smallest kettle bell!!!
time: 4:44

rest 5 minutes (I rested almost 5 minutes)
Toes to Bar (I did knees up, who are we kidding)
time: 9:45

I felt pretty good about the first WOD. I was second to last, though the guy who was last was actually jumping on the high box, and I was stepping on the lower one. In the warm up I did 8 actual box jumps on two green stools, but my leg is still sore from crashing last week. Ouch! And, I was proud of myself for not wimping out on the kettle bells and getting the smallest one. It was hard, but I did the entire thing without stopping.

WOD #2 not so much. I bought some gloves so that my hands wouldn't hurt so much when I'm hanging from the bar. Which did help my hands, but not my toes to bar very much. I did get a little more leg swing and shoulder movement in the thing, but 54 is a lot of T2B, especially at the end of the workout. I think I'm getting better at wallballs - on of the coaches told me you have to throw it up and then keep your arms up and receive it when it comes back, then squat. Like you are waiting for pie to come down from the sky and you don't want to break it (OK, I added that last part.)

I only did one class again last week, which of course I wasn't happy about because I'm so cheap. But, I wasn't feeling well and was going from bed to couch to bed for four days, so I have an excuse. Poor me.

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