Sunday, February 25, 2024

Race Day Cold

Just came back from the swim fest which didn't go at all like I wanted because I was sick and couldn't finish my long swim, or be a stripper. We drove up on Thursday and I noticed I was a little grumpy and sneezy, and that my throat hurt, but I didn't really think much of it. On Friday I did my hat swim in the morning (feeling even grumpier), and then came the big swim. It was so disappointing.  I got in the water and it was cold but fine. I started with the swim, and had so much adrenalin that I started off too fast and didn't pace myself. I actually beat the other woman I was swimming with for the first 25 meters. But then as I turned back my chest was pounding and I felt like I was going to throw up. And, I just didn't feel right, so I had to get out. 

I went to the warming hut and was even grumpier. And then warmed up, and went and sat outside. I didn't get what my deal was, but then in the middle of the night I woke up and was so congested, I was like "aaah, that was the problem." I spent the second day of the festival by myself at the airbnb, reading a book and feeling like crap. Today I went and supported the team, and the came home. After all that training, it was such a bummer. Well, I wasn't sure what I was going to have to shoot for next year, but I guess it will be a Redemption Swim for the 200.

Things I did well:

  1. Practice and acclimatize - I really was ready for the event
  2. Improve my swim technique
Things to change for next year:
  1. I didn't pace my anxiety and got way too in my head. With a long-ish race like this, it's a while from race start to my start.
  2. Worry about things in my power, not things that I can't control. There was an email two weeks before the race saying that we had to finish in 4 minutes, which I knew I couldn't do. I let that get to my head, when in reality there was nothing I could do about it. And, they did let people finish in over 5 minutes.
  3. Carpooling - it was really frustrating not having a car. I think I would have just gone home if I did, but as it was I was stuck and had to rely on everyone else for everything (like cold meds). Also, it was a lot of together time.
  4. I may need to wear a mask for the week before the race so I don't get sick! That really sucked.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Less than a Week to Go!

One week from now I'll be done with my memphremagog swims for the year! Things are starting to get real. We got an email a week ago that they want you to finish the 200 within 4 minutes and will pull you if you over 3 minutes at 150. Which seems a little silly because if you can make it to 150 then why can't you make it to 200? I'm hoping that they just did it to scare people into dropping out if they know they can't do the race in 4 minutes. Well, I'm not falling for it. I know I can't do it in 4 minutes, but I'm going to make them pull me. Or just let me finish. You have to have a spotter watching you during the 200, and mine is a second grade teacher - she's going to use her teacher voice if they tell her I have to come out. That's my strategy.

I've been doing a good amount of practice. Yesterday I swam a quarter mile in water that was about 38 degrees I think. It was pretty cold. My goggles leaked so I had to keep stopping to fix them for the first several minutes, so it was a pretty slow swim. I did finally get the goggles to work, but in the process gave myself a little bit of a black eye. I think I was in the water for about 13-14 minutes. I was pretty cold when I finished and had to do my penguin walk out, where I shuffle a little as a try not to fall over. After, I went to hot yoga which felt really nice.

Tomorrow we are doing a little going away event, with a pre-swim, so I'll be trying again with the 200. Probably my last go at it before the big race! I have to say, I'll be a little bit happy to stop with the swimming, it's SO HARD in the cold. I may just dip until we are over 40 degrees.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Swim Speed

I'm getting a little nervous that I won't be swimming fast enough for the 200 and they are going to pull me before I finish. Another woman who's swimming the 200 was going on about how nervous she was about it, and then we swam and she finished almost a full lap ahead of me. Sigh. That was a low moment of training.

I decided that I've worked hard over the year, and if they pull me, they pull me. I'll just have to learn to swim faster and try again next year. 

But, before we get to that point I do still have 17 days until the race. I resolved that I would do some research on how to swim faster and go to the pool and practice at least 10 times before the race. Which is a lot. And not a lot. I'm not sure how much of a difference I can make in 5 hours (because I can't deal with much longer than 30 minutes in the pool), but I can at least try.

Today I watched a video that said to shrug my shoulder as my hand goes into the water and keep it shrugged until my arm is bent and I'm at the pull. I tried doing that and it was hard, but I did think I was going faster (go me!) It also said to slowly get your arm in the correct position first, and then accelerate the speed of the arm. With the images it makes a lot of sense. So, I'm going to keep watching the video and keep practicing. Today was one day - just 9 more practices to go :)