Sunday, March 5, 2023

Good Ski Days

I bought a five pack for nashoba, which I was kind of regretting because I didn't think that I was going to be able to use all of them, but then I did! Yesterday we got some surprise snow, and today I was able to hit the slopes. I went with my nephew, which we do sometimes, and it was pretty fun.

The best thing was that for a couple of runs I felt like I got the edging and leaning piece of skiing, and it felt really great, super easy and relaxing. I still stuck to the blues there, I did the blacks a few times, but they are a little too steep for me really, but they felt good. I'm increasing my speed a little, and getting how to stop down better. 

My nephew skis a lot faster than me. He did a few runs on the blacks, and then practiced jumping in the mini terrain park that they have.

Next year I think one time at nashoba might be enough. 

This woman who I took a swim class from was at Memphremagog, and she invited me to be on her endurance athletics team, team b*real. Like a personal invitation. I can't resist a personal invitation, so of course I joined. Now, I am thinking about going back to running so I can do a triathlon.

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