Wednesday, December 28, 2022

First Ski of the Season

I bought a five pack for Nashoba for the winter. I definitely wanted to get in a ski day this week while I'm on vacation, and today looked like the best day - it's been cold, but it's getting a little warmer and I figured the snow would melt. So, I made a 9 am reservation for skiing, and was the first one on the slopes!

There were initially only two trails open (plus the bunny slopes), but that was actually OK because there weren't that many people skiing. They had one blue and one black diamond. I spent most of the day on the blue, with a few on the black (Nashoba style black, which is to say, not really that steep. I worked on trying to keep my skis a little more together, bending my knees, making less wide s's, and trying to get comfortable with going a little faster. I think I made some progress. By the end of the four hours, I was feeling really comfortable on the blue, and going a bit faster. Still kind of nervous on the black - work in progress. 

Later I went for a swim. Today was day 37 in a row. The water is down to 36! It's not going to get too much colder. I stayed in for 10 minutes. There was a beautiful sunset, the clouds were all pink and swirly. It was so nice, even though I was kind of cold.

Yesterday we did a field trip to the ocean, to the beach at Pleasure Bay. The water was warmer - about 39. It was really great just floating around in the salt water. I felt so buoyant! People walking around were pretty impressed. Also, a friend of one of the swimmers is a coach, and she's going to give me some swim tips! Super excited because I've been looking for someone to give me pointers, and here she just fell into my lap.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas

I was thinking about Chinese food and a movie for the day, but then I decided I really just wanted to make pancakes and binge Modern Family. And go swimming of course (and I did stairs and ran around a bit outside to get some aerobic exercise). And I'm glad I did! Today was day 34 of dipping in a row. The water is down to 37 degrees, air was about 20. I still stayed in for over 10 minutes! While we were swimming, the bald eagle flew over us really low, like he was just making sure we weren't good for dinner. After I was freezing - thank heaven for my heated gloves.

I'm on staycation for the week - so nice to chill and relax and not really have to do anything. I have a few projects - keep swimming (of course), I got a new puzzle, I have to take my car in (again, for heaven sake - it's like I hit 100K miles and it's falling apart), I'm going to sew a quilt for my new niece (so exciting!), do yoga, and maybe read a book.

Cold water swimming really is a bit of an addiction! It's such a rush, and it feels so great when I'm in the water - I love the feeling of my body being so cold as I bob around. We are still diving in off the dock, and I feel like I might be able to through the winter. I can't wait for there to be ice.

Tomorrow I'm meeting with some cat ladies to develop a plan for Tigger and her behavior problems. I hope they are able to help.

I realized recently that this blog is over 10 years old! Go me - even if I no longer run, it's still pretty great that I'm exercising.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

22 Days of Dipping, and still going!

After going swimming 7 days in a row, I decided to keep going and see how long a streak I could get. I'm up to 22 days after todays swim! Every time I think that I will let it go, I just can't. I wasn't going to go swimming today, but I took a personal day and decided that the weather was too nice to skip. It was 40 and sunny, and really nice out of the wind. I went by myself and just stayed in for 5 minutes. Water temp is about 41.

It's been so fun doing all these dips! I've gone with a bunch of different people. Sometimes a big group, sometimes just me. Once there were some guys fishing, and they didn't believe I was going to jump in until I did. Pretty much every day I dive in, which is awesome because the first time I decided to dive I got scared and jumped. But now it's no problem. So far, I don't feel any urge to gasp as I get in. I'm going to see how low a temp I can get to still diving. 

I've been doing this Lyme vaccine clinical trial (which, yay! about time they are developing a vaccine for Lyme.) I would pretty much go anywhere for the vaccine - it's so easy to get, and miserable to have. But, the amazing part is that they are paying me! I used money from my first visit to get heated gloves for post swimming. I had my second shot today, and I may use the money for heated socks. It's such a silly thing to spend so much money on, but I think it should be fun money. And I love those gloves.

We are starting to prepare for and think about the winter swim fest. It's going to be so cold! It will be another 10 degrees or so colder in the water, and probably even colder outside. Sometimes, I'm like "what was I thinking?" Other times, though, I think it's not that cold. When I'm swimming with other people I usually stay in for about 10 minutes. My hands and feet feel really cold - I did just get some thicker swim gloves, so they are less cold. Otherwise, though, I am cold but it's not unmanageable. I am going to look for some swim lessons and to improve my swimming skills, because I feel like I could do more with this. Maybe if I can get the swim speed up I could do an ice mile one day?