Monday, November 7, 2022

Beach yoga and a Baptism

I've never seen anyone be baptized before, so it was kind of fun to have a baptism at the beach! One of the new swimmers is a yoga instructor, and she offered to do a 20 minute restorative class on the beach. There was actually a pretty good crowd, probably about 20 or so of us, which isn't that common for our winter swims. The beach is a little bit hilly, which added to the intensity of the yoga, because we were tilted downhill for our dogs and planks. We started the class by setting an intention and doing some gentle stretches, which felt really nice on the beach in the sand. Then we did some cat cows and sun salutations.

As we started moving, the church group came down to the water - I think they were surprised to see a yoga class on the beach. They had a little ceremony and the four guys who were being baptized gave speeches, and then they went into the water. There were two guys who did the dipping, and a woman who was in the water taking photographs. The first guy walked in, and we could hear them doing some prayers, and then they dunked him! Everyone from the church group clapped, and the yoga group all paused our warrior 2 and clapped too. The four went in one at a time, and we clapped for all of them. It was a pretty funny day at the beach. (There were a few people there who were just there to be at the beach, and they were like "WTF?")

The church ceremony ended right around when the yoga class did. They all left and we changed into our swimsuits and went for a swim/dip. I'd already been to a kind of killer parkour class, so I just went in and treaded water without swimming. It was about 61 degrees in the water. 

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