Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Day 8 of Yoga!

I'm pretty impressed with myself because I've actually kept doing the 30 day yoga challenge! The last time I did one I made it to day 5 I think - I just finished day 8 and I'm still enjoying it. 

Yesterday I helped my nephew move from Maine back to MA. I thought I was done with helping people move - that I was old enough that my people would just pay someone, but apparently there is no limit to helping people move age. He had the second and third floor of a house up there, but fortunately he didn't have a couch, and he wound up leaving the two beds and the dining room table (my parent's old kitchen table). The new people moving in didn't have beds, and they had a 5 year old, so it seemed like a nice use for the furniture - hopefully their family will enjoy them. We also left a bit of a mess, I have to say, but also lots of cleaning products and paper towels. According to my fitbit I climbed 109 floors. Today I climbed 6 - I didn't get home until almost midnight and I was pooped.

It sounds like I'm still going to have to go to work three days a week come spring, except for when I'm writing letters of recommendation. I have to either accept that this is now the new normal, or make some kind of change. 

Wow, just realized that this is post #600! I never would have expected that I would have this many postings.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

30 Day Yoga Challenge

I'm still a bit stiff from the Big Fall, and I'm also a little cranky and blue because it's so dark out. November/December is such a tough time of year! So I decided to try to increase my zen with a 30 day yoga challenge. Of course, I'm using yoga with Adriene, since she has a ton of them, they are just the right tone and pace, and I feel like spending time with her every day for a month will cheer me up. She did one for the new year this year that was themed "breath," and that's the one that I decided to do because everything is better when you focus on breathing. Even if you spend the entire yoga class in child's pose. So far I've done days 1 & 2, which were very nice.

This year Thanksgiving will be in person again; something to be thankful for!  When I went vegetarian I decided that I was still allowed to eat turkey on thanksgiving, and I'm looking forward to my meat. It's been over a year. Hard to believe - sometimes I smell bacon and want some, but otherwise it's been easy. I'm making apple pie and squash, because I have like 10 squashes from my CSA. Fortunately I'm done with the CSA until spring - I need a little break from kale!

I went outside to play with my parkour friends both yesterday and today - it was so fun. We practiced our jumping, walking on rails, played "red light green light" and did some climbing. I purposely went on some high places so that I could challenge my fear of falling. I was still nervous and there were a few things that I didn't do, and for sure I didn't want to land on my butt. There were three kids playing in the park yesterday and they joined us in our parkour games - they were pretty good, too. There mom was like "I just take them to the park and let them run around. I have my health insurance card." 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

First "Big" Parkour Accident

But fortunately I wasn't hurt too much! After class today I was doing this thing that I always do - climbing on top of a cement post that's about 5 feet tall. I had just gotten my foot on top when somehow my balance got off a little, perhaps I lost focus for a moment? Anyhow, suddenly I lost grip with my hands and was falling backwards off the pole and to the ground where I bumped my head. I feel like when ever you have an accident, time slows a bit as you fall, and this was no exception. When I hit, everything was a little blurry and I was kind of in shock. And then the inevitable circle of people formed around me which was a little embarrassing.  At first my hands felt disconnected from the rest of me, but then after a moment I realized that I was fine. I did tear the elbow of one of my new lululemon shirts, and I've probably worn it only a half dozen times or so, but it's still wearable. After I sat around on the ground for a bit it was clear that I was OK, and so a friend stayed with me to make sure that I remained OK. We went for coffee and I had avocado toast, which is good post-five-foot-fall comfort food. 

Last week I decided that it would be a good idea to get my first shingles and covid booster shots at the same time. It wasn't. I was sick all weekend long with a fever and aches and pains all over my body. Then, on Tuesday I had a pretty direct conversation with my boss, probably because I was feeling a bit run down still. We discussed some of the ways that I feel like my program doesn't really get much love, but I would have liked to have been more tactful than I was, and I got teary, which I would rather not have done. I also would have liked for her to listen more and talk less, but I guess that's not her way. We'll see if any change comes from it.