Saturday, March 13, 2021

Blue Squares!

I skied the blue squares all day at gunstock, not a single beginner run! It was pretty hard, though I had some successful runs, and felt good about my skiing for some of the day. One trail in particular had a steep spot on it and I totally didn't freak out, I just went back and forth down it. Next year I think I'm going to try to take a private lesson at the start of the season and see if I can get some tips to improve and maybe learn to stop. I think that would be a good skill to have.

I actually went skiing with a friend and her boyfriend, which was really fun. It was the first time this year that I wasn't skiing alone - of course they were much better than me and we didn't actually ski together, but we waited on line together and sat on the lift together. Gunstock has a really awesome fast quad lift that we could sort of social distance, and that goes up the mountain in like 5 minutes. Love! I think I would go back there, except it was a bit expensive and the trails were kind of hard for me. By the end of the day my legs were killing me!

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