Thursday, January 14, 2021

epic workout

I did #1 of C G's epic workout and it was tough but also really good. She has a ton of them, and I'm going to try to incorporate them into my quarantine exercise routine. It was a 45-minute workout with 45 seconds on and 15 seconds rest (my favorite part) with day 1 focusing on legs. So many squats! So many ways to do squats! I'm going skiing tomorrow, and my legs are already a little sore, so maybe I should have started with workout #2, which looks like it's arms, but then I figured I would just get confused if I didn't do them in order. It says to do them five days a week, but with parkour, yoga and hiking, I'm going to try for two days a week - hopefully that's actually achievable.

Winter has been so strange. With COVID, my mom's death, working from home, and the rioting in the capital last week, I feel like I go nowhere and do nothing. This coming weekend there are supposed to be "peaceful armed protests" around the country. I'm really scared for the new administration. I hope they keep the two of them safe, and far apart from each other. I feel like this weekend is a good one to stay at home, except for parkour and maybe a walk in the woods. And next week, too. We are hitting 4000+ a day in the US dying of COVID and hospitals being full. And all the news talks about is our current president - I can't wait for this chapter in our history to end!

PS. For some reason this post has like 43 reads. I changed the identifying info so it won't be so googleable. Weird that this is like my most read post, and really I just did this workout like 2x and didn't like it that much.

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