Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Epic Day 2

 I did the second day of the Epic workout yesterday. It was all arms, with a little core. I used 4 pound weights - the woman in the video had 18 pounders. So, yeah. This workout was 40 seconds on, 20 off, and every third round was pushups, which I can't do. I did some slanted pushups on the arm of the couch and some planks - in fact I did 2 minutes and 40 seconds total plank, but in 40 second bursts. Today I felt fine, which was nice! Up next is abs, and it looks brutal, but I'm determined to continue through all 40+ workouts!

Today was such a good day! I watched our new president and VP be sworn in, and saw Lady Gaga and Janet Yellen on the same stage and looked at Bernie Sanders memes, and everyone survived - there was no craziness. For a few minutes I felt so light, I thought I was floating off my couch.

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