Sunday, November 15, 2020

Walking railings at 50th Parkour class!

It turns out that today was my 50th parkour class, which I learned via email at the end of class. It was a really good class, with a few breakthroughs for me! First, there's a metal handrailing that we walk on that I've wanted to be able to get up on by myself, and walk from end to end. It's about waist height, but it goes along a walkway that goes up to the school, so it goes up at an angle for about 15 feet, then flat for the same, then down and as it goes up the drop off on one side gets larger and larger. I did walk the entire thing once before, but someone had to spot me, and I was so slow, and it was painful. I've been practicing getting up for a while, and today I finally did it, and then walked the entire length! The first time I was about 5 feet from the end when the wind picked up and I got wobbly and came down. But then I tried again and did the whole thing! Then, coach was like "once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is real" so I had to do it again, and I did the whole thing even faster - the whole way. It was awesome. 

We also practiced kongs in class, which I struggle with. But, the coaches broke them down, and I was able to get them better. I was even able to kong from a standing position onto something about knee high. Lots of work left to do, but it was a good first step in actually being able to do them - before this class I didn't think that I would ever be able to, but now I think I can :) 

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