Monday, November 16, 2020

At home Monday WOD

I was going to cancel classpass because it seems silly to pay for it when you can't really go to studios, but then I did a streaming yoga class that was really good and I thought I should keep it. But, today when I signed up for a class the studio didn't send me a link, so I'm back to thinking I should cancel. I think I will keep for one more month, because if I don't I'll lose money, and I'm way to cheap for that. I can just buy passes for my local yoga studio after that, why spend money on a middle person if I'm just going to go there?

Covid cases are crazy here now. Over a million a week in the US; I feel like I should hide in my basement (if I had a basement). And a vaccine for regular people like me is still 6 months away. Definitely a time to try to eat well and get a lot of exercise! Which is why I signed up for a boot camp today, but didn't get a link. So, I decided to do a crossfit WOD from my old box. And, I did the entire class-ish.

WOD: 3 Rounds
20 Box Jumps
30 Kettlebell Swings
40 Sit ups
my time: 16 min 50 sec

I went to the school across the street to WOD, and was going to use the playground, but just as I was about to start, two kids came there to play. So, I had to go to another area. I did box jumps onto a tree stump that's about a foot high. For kettlebell swings I asked my neighbor slam chowder if I could borrow hers, but she was using it for a class (apparently we all exercise at the same time) so I just brought a 20 pound dumb bell and swung that (which was awkward, but my stomach is sore, so it was effective). And then I did sit ups on this plastic/fake wood platform. It was cool and windy out and I had to wear a light down puff, but it wasn't too bad for the middle of November. 

After I came back and did dumbell hang power cleans - EMOM12, starting with 15 pounds in each hand for the first 2 rounds and then moving up to 20.

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